Monday, October 25, 2010

Just say "nope" to cod nuggets!

Good Morning Everyone!!!  What a freezing cold day!  This has just been the best week!  I love the MTC its such a great place!  We leave here in 8 days!  It has gone by so fast i just cant believe it!  We got our flight itineraries on wednesday!  We fly out nice and early! (Not going to say a time cause i dont want my parents to show up)  Cant wait to get to Seattle!  We have learned so much this week its just unreal!  I dont even feel like the same person!  We taught six lessons this week to investigators! Half of our investigators are played by our teachers!  They play investigators that they taught on their missions so it can be really hard!  Its such a great learning experience!  Revi made a committment to get baptized if she has a good experience with praying this week which was very exciting!  Diego is another one of our investigators! We are struggling with him because he wont put forth any effort!  We can do all we can to testify and teach doctrine but its up to the investigator to pray and learn it for themselves!  We are trying to make a better connection with him so we can understand his needs!  The sisters in our zone were teaching an investigator that was an outside volunteer and the funniest thing happened!  The investigator said that she never had time to read!  So Sister Wiley replies saying that she could just keep a book of mormon in her bathroom, everyone goes there once a day......haha the investigator kinda starts gagging and was like ya i guess.....maybe i could just put a protectant cover on it! It was too funny! Every tuesday we have devotionals!  This week  Elder Russel M. Nelson came! It was amazing!   The spirit in the room was so thick i loved it!  He gave an amazing talk! He talked alot about continuing a relationship with converts!  He said that we should be friends with them and continue to fellowship them!  He said that we should be interested in the lives of their kids, and their grandkids!  He also talked about being followers of Christ!  We need to be like him and share the light of Christ!  

One thing that i learned this week is to always open your mouth!  We are sometimes prompted to share to gospel with someone but the fear of talking sometimes overcomes us!  If we will just open our mouths heavenly father will speak for us and through us!  Never put aside those promptings!  As we learn more and more about the converting process one of the huge steps in the process is taking the investigator to church!  For a lot of people that is their biggest fear! They can do well in the lessons because they are in the comfort of their own home but going to church is way out of their comfort zone.  We as members need to work with the missionaries to fellowship investigators they bring to church!  They wont get baptized if they dont have a good experience at church! Its just that simple!

    The food here is gettin old - seriously the elders and i were walking to dinner...we look up at the sign "cod nuggets". Nope. You dont eat cod nuggets from the mtc. I can't imagine what that would do to you!  On sunday we were sitting in sacrament and President Fisher waves over to me and asks me to come over to him. He goes where is Elder Robey and Gallegos? Of course we have no clue so my companions and i had to walk around the mtc and look for them!  So after a good while of no luck we headed to the front desk to see if they new about where they would be!  Elder Robey was sent to the hospital and had to get his appendix removed!  I cant even imagine getting that done here i really cant!  He wont be back until later in the week!  I am sad that we are leaving so soon!  We have become so close as a district! The elders in our district are amazing!  I love you all and miss you!  Life is great!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sincerely, Elder Aiken.


  1. I see why you want him to have Cafe Rio! Good thing he isn't there for much longer!

  2. I love that he said that about the food. I can HEAR his voice saying it thats the best part. Glad he's doing so well!!
