Hello my dear friends and family! Happy Tuesday to you all.
This was transfer week, and for the 11th time, I get to stay here in Issaquah! Elder Berry and I remain companions and that's great!
This past week has been wonderful. I love this work, and my Savior Jesus Christ. This past week I have marveled over life, and the world in which we live. How blessed we are, and how very ungrateful we tend to be. I have come to realize that our Father in Heaven has a perfect plan for us to follow, and if we do, that will lead to true happiness. I am deeply blessed to see it from this point of view, to see the lives change of those we teach, and their fight to stick to it. The path isn't easy. This life never was meant to be. There are many that preach and teach that all we need is faith, that no matter what we do, it doesn’t matter, we just have to believe. Yes, to some extent that may be true. Faith IS key. This life is the time for each of us to prepare to return to live with God, and enjoy the blessings of eternal life which wait for us. With the agony of Christ's suffering, it doesn’t seem this existence was meant to be easy. It is a time of great learning, where we can prove ourselves. Whose side are we on? Can we control our passions? Who do we lean on in time of need? This life is a rich blessing. In God's infinite wisdom and mercy, He has established a plan that if followed leads to inner peace. That peace becomes lasting as we establish Zion. Zion is a rich and powerful concept, one that was restored with the restoration of the gospel. A state that the early saints were always seeking. Zion is becoming of one heart and one mind. A people that love, and aren't in search for, “What's in it for me?” Zion is what Abraham sought for. Zion was the state of the people of Enoch when they were taken up to dwell with God. When Zion exists in a home, community, or relationship, blessings flow. God can be with us. I am saddened and amazed to see the lengths people will go to, to find that peace and Zion-like feeling. People will join gangs, drugs and alcohol, hang out with the wrong crowd, search for fame, all to just fill that void that can only be filled when we are at one with God. If I have learned one lesson, it's that the God's plan is the way. God lives and His plan is the only way to true happiness. We can search all our lives, among all the right places in search for that feeling. We don’t have to search any longer, we can rest in Christ.
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Tory's baptism! |
This Saturday we went to Tory's baptism. The lady I spoke of weeks ago, who works in the place we go to get our haircut. She asked that I speak at her baptism. It was a moment that I will never forget. I looked at this woman, whose life is completely different now. Her face glows. I will never keep my mouth shut about this gospel! I will never be afraid to share this glad message. We are so blessed. I have learned that I must love God enough to give back to our Brothers and Sisters. These blessings can be shared, and what an amazing thing it is to watch it change lives.
This week we taught a woman named Michelle. She is in her 30's with two little kids. At four Michelle was abandoned by her mother and sent to foster care. For years she was abused by her husband and resorted to the streets. A place she lived for years, becoming an ddict. Finally rescued by a shelter, she has spent the past few years getting her life on track. This poor woman, tarnished by life, beat up and torn down, never accepted by anyone. She too sought all of the wrong places to just feel love. Lonliness is the most painful thing, a void that can only truly be filled by God. Now we are teaching her this glorious gospel! Tears filled her eyes as we taught her this message! She is now progressing towards baptism.
The Castro family is still progressing towards baptism, they have hit a few bumps in the road, but through prayer I know they will make it! Vickie, who lost her husband a few months ago from cancer, was supposed to be baptized this past weekend! But her son, one year younger than me, was just diagnosed with that same cancer. One of her last family members! The rest have all died from cancer in the past few years. My heart aches for her, and with no resources to support this disease, tears water my face as her life turns to despair. It's hard to see someone you have come to love so much, suffer so deeply.
This life and this path can be tough. But GOD LIVES AND LOVES US! Christ will be the captain of this troubling life, if we will but turn to Him. I leave you all with my testimony. A testimony that burns deep within my soul. I have come to love the Atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ. It is the ultimate “medicine”. It is the only way we can return to live with Our Father in Heaven. Rely on it, come to love it. For through it lies eternal joy. I LOVE YOU ALL, HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK!!! Be safe, and don’t be afraid to give a little more, because in reality none of this was ours in the first place.
Elder Aiken
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